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1.0 | School Eligibility |
2.0 | Team Size, Makeup and Eligibility |
3.0 | Spirit of Fair Competition and Professional Conduct |
4.0 | Conflict of Interest |
5.0 | Competition Problem Statements and Conditions |
6.0 | Equipment and Room Setup |
7.0 | Team Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |
8.0 | Registration and Time-line |
9.0 | Disqualification / Firearm/Weapons |
10.0 | Problem Sponsor Feedback |
1.0 | School Eligibility: <T.O.C.> |
Schools entering a student team(s) must be ASC members in good standing, with membership dues paid by October 1, 2024. Teams from schools with unpaid dues will be placed on the waitlist and will not be officially registered until dues are paid. Failure to pay ASC membership dues for AY 2024-2025 risks losing an allocated team slot in a category.
Regional competitions (Heavy Civil, Commercial, Mixed-Use, and Design-Build) are open to undergraduate programs from colleges and universities located within those regions. Other problem categories, including Integrated Project, Mechanical, Virtual Design & Construction, Sustainable Building, Preconstruction, Project Management, Electrical, and Concrete Solutions, accept entries from colleges or universities in any ASC region. The Alternates Competition is open to all students designated as alternates on a registered team. Schools may enter a team(s) according to guidelines in Section 2.0 without charge. Non-member schools must join the ASC to compete. To Join the ASC: ASC Membership Application |
2.0 | Team Size, Makeup and Eligibility: <T.O.C.> |
Region 6 Competition in Heavy Civil, Commercial, Mixed Use, and Design Build: Each ASC Region 6 member school may enter a team comprised of up to six currently enrolled undergraduate student members, maximum, per competition problem. Region 7 Competition in Heavy Civil, Commercial, Mixed Use, and Design Build: Each ASC Region 7 member school may enter a team comprised of up to six currently enrolled undergraduate student members, maximum, per competition problem. Open Competition (All ASC Regions) in Mechanical, Virtual Design & Construction, Sustainable Development, Preconstruction, Project Management, Electrical, and Concrete Solutions: Each member school from all ASC regions may enter a team comprised of up to six currently enrolled undergraduate student members, maximum, per competition problem. Open Competition (All ASC Regions) in Integrated Project: Each member school from all ASC regions may enter a team comprised of up to six currently enrolled graduate, six currently enrolled undergraduate students or a combination of the two groups, 6 maximum. Region 6, Regon 7, and Open Problem Categories No additional persons (helpers, runners, assistants, Alternates) are allowed to participate in the competition. Teams will be disqualified if more than six members contribute to creating the competition solution in any way, including food and supply runs. Cell phone use to contact outside persons is prohibited, except in emergencies or as deemed appropriate by the problem sponsor. Ethical behavior is essential for all team members, coaches, students, and industry professionals throughout the competition. Intent to Compete Registration: Begins on October 7, 2024, at Noon PT, on a first-come, first-served basis. Open problem categories are limited to a maximum of 14 teams. Teams are strongly encouraged to register early. Registrations beyond 14 teams are subject to the problem sponsor’s discretion. Team Withdrawal: To withdraw a team from a problem category, email the ASC Competition Manager (labrown2@csuchico.edu) with your university name, problem category, your name, and a request to withdraw. Schools that register a team but drop out after December 15, 2024, will be barred from competing in that problem category the following year. If a team withdraws, all its members, including Alternates, become ineligible to attend. Registering a Second Team in Same Category: Starting October 21, 2024, all schools may register additional teams in any category (Regional and Open Problem Categories), up to a maximum of 14 teams per category. If a school registers more than one team in a regional competition before the December 13, 2024, deadline, the last school to register an additional team may be asked to remove that team from the competition. Team Member Registration All team member and Faculty Coach names shall be registered online by December 13, 2024. No additional team members, including alternates, shall be added to a team after this date. Team Alternate Each team may have up to two alternates. Alternates shall be registered with the team by December 13, 2024. No team alternates will be added after this date. Alternate team members not participating should compete in the "Alternates Competition." Alternates may only attend the event if the team they were designated for is actively competing. If the designated team is not competing, the Alternate may not attend. Students who are not part of a competing team are not permitted to attend. Team Member Changes / Substituitons - All Teams DO NOT SEND ENTIRE TEAM LIST. SEND JUST THE CHANGES Changes to registered team members may be submitted until February 3, 2025, at 5:00 PM PT as outlined below. If a team member needs to be replaced, an eligible substitute may be added. To request a change / substitution, please email the ASC Competition Manager at labrown2@csuchico.edu and include the following details in the body of the message (do not send as an attachment): Example: University: Chico State Problem Category: Region 7 Design Build Team Member Name to Remove: Tom Smith Team Member Name to Add: Patty Page New Team Member Email Address: ppage55@mail.csuchico.edu No substitutions or changes may be made once the competition problem officially begins. Team Eligibility To be eligible, each student must be actively enrolled in classes at their respective school during the time of the competition. For a team to be eligible, the team must be properly registered for the ASC competition, and the school must be in good standing with ASC membership (see Section 1.0). Additionally, all faculty coaches and team members are required to register as guests at the Nugget Hotel and must stay in the designated rooms provided by the hotel throughout the competition. All teams must be housed in the RESORT TOWER of the Nugget, with a maximum of 4 students per room, and all coaches must be housed in the CASINO TOWER (subject to space availability determined by the Nugget). Coaches are not allowed to enter the Resort Tower or any location where teams are competing once the competition has begun, unless otherwise directed by the competition manager to accommodate room availability. |
3.0 | Spirit of Fair Competition and Professional Conduct: <T.O.C.> |
Before Arrival at the Competition All questions about the Student Competition must be directed to the Competition Manager, Lori Brown (labrown2@csuchico.edu). Do not contact the Problem Sponsoring company directly, except for team deliverables specified in the pre-problem statement, as this could result in disqualification. During the Competition The competition begins when the problem sponsor issues its problem packet and continues until the team presents its solution and team presentation. Team coaches should limit their discussions with their teams before the presentation to "good luck" or similar encouragement. Once the competition begins, only registered team members may work on the problem solution. Alternates are not part of the team and may not run errands for the team. Team members must avoid any source of "outside" information, including the Internet, phone calls, satellite hookups, team coaches, or other teams. Internet access is allowed only if stated as acceptable in the problem category pre-problem statement. Teams should avoid any actions or behaviors that might give them an unfair advantage. This includes, but is not limited to, receiving external assistance or accessing unauthorized information during the competition. No additional persons (helpers, runners, assistants) are allowed to participate in the competition. Teams will be disqualified if more than six members contribute to creating the competition solution in any way, including food and supply runs. Cell phone use to contact outside persons is prohibited, except in emergencies or as deemed appropriate by the problem sponsor. Ethical behavior is essential for all team members, coaches, students, and industry professionals throughout the competition. No one, including team members, coaches, or affiliates, may videotape, photograph, or capture any team activities once the competition has begun, except during their own team's designated oral presentation, and only in accordance with the limitations outlined in Section 5.0 (Video Recording Competition Event and Team Presentations - Regional and Open Competitions). Any unauthorized recording or photography will result in disqualification. Each competition team must designate a faculty coach to accompany the team. Once the competition begins, the coach's role is limited to ensuring the competition rules are followed and addressing life-safety issues. The team should have no further contact with the coach or others until after presenting its solution. During the competition, only the problem sponsor may be in the team workroom or have contact with the team. In an emergency, the faculty coach or other appropriate personnel may enter the room. Violating this rule will result in immediate disqualification. |
4.0 | Conflict of Interest: <T.O.C.> |
Team members with prior knowledge of a sponsor’s competition problem (e.g., through previous employment, internships, or involvement in a similar project) must promptly notify the ASC Competition Manager at labrown2@csuchico.edu in writing. Please refer to the pre-problem statement for your problem category for additional guidelines. No team may receive individual coaching or assistance from any employee of the sponsoring company for their problem category. Violating this rule will result in the immediate disqualification of the team. All sponsoring companies have signed an MOU agreeing to refrain from coaching or assisting individually any team competing in their designated Problem Category. |
5.0 | Competition Problem Statements and Conditions: <T.O.C.> |
Each team will be presented with problem statement materials generated by the problem sponsor. These materials represent the entire problem statement and scope of work. Questions, if any, may only be directed to the problem sponsor judges. It shall be the discretion of the judges whether a response is given to any question. Each team must strictly adhere to the specific time frames, deadlines, schedules, locations or conditions set forth in the problem. Failure to follow any of these may be cause for rejection, reduction in points or even disqualification from the competition. |
AI/GAI/YTBDT (New 2025 AI Rules): | |
Video Recording Competition Event and Team Presentations - Regional and Open Competitions Only the ASC Regions 6 & 7 Competition Manager has the authority to hire or permit external professionals to videotape or record any presentations or competition events. Registered competition coaches may record their team's presentation using a cell phone or small hand-held device, provided they strictly follow the timing rules outlined below. No exceptions will be made to this rule. (See Section 3) Regional Competition No school’s team member, coach, faculty member, staff, industry affiliate, student, or videographer (unless hired by the competition manager) is allowed to enter the problem presentation room or view a presentation in a problem category within their region until it is their team's designated time to present. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification. Open Competition No school’s team member, coach, faculty member, staff, industry affiliate, student, or videographer (unless hired by the competition manager) is allowed to enter the problem presentation room or view a presentation in a problem category in which their school is competing until it is their team's designated time to present. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification. Note: All events at the ASC Regions 6 & 7 Student Competition are the sole property of ASC. Recording or distributing any part of the event, including presentations, without prior written permission from the ASC Competition Manager, is strictly prohibited. |
6.0 | Equipment, Team Accommodations and Hotel Room Rules:<T.O.C.> |
EQUIPMENT: Each team is permitted to use one computer per team member, including laptops, as well as one printer, one plotter, and one scanner. All-in-one printers are allowed. The Team Print Center offers additional support, providing color laser prints up to 11x17, Wi-Fi-enabled printing, copiers up to 11x17, ADF Fujitsu scanners, and desktops equipped with Windows 10, Office 365, Adobe Acrobat 11, MS Project, and Bluebeam ReVu. TEAM ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Each presentation room will have one projector and a laptop computer provided by the problem sponsor. Any additional equipment needed for the presentation is the responsibility of the team. Teams requiring specific software must bring their own computer. Teams should coordinate in advance for projector interfacing, as only limited time (determined by the problem sponsor) will be available for setup before presentations. ASC Regions 6 & 7 will provide a Team Print Center for student use. Teams should allow ample time to make printouts or copies. Delays caused by print center issues will not be considered valid excuses for judges. TEAM ACCOMMODATIONS: For the 2025 competition, the following room procedures apply: NOTE: NEW PROCESS! All rooms shall be reserved by contacting the Group Reservations Department by email: nug.groupresv@cnty.com; Contact Group Reservations as soon as possible to request your block. Room block questions and your room requests must be made in writing via email. The following information must be provided when sending in your room request:
Hotel Room Rules: Each team is allowed a maximum of four guest rooms. Some of these rooms may be designated as workrooms. When submitting rooming lists, teams should indicate which room will be the designated workroom. The hotel will provide two tables and four chairs to each designated workroom by Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Beds will remain in these rooms, and workrooms will be located throughout the Resort Tower. Hotels will make an effort to block sleeping rooms near the workrooms. Suites may not be reserved as separate work rooms. Furniture removal and disassembly is prohibited. A $1,000 fine per room will be assessed to the school for any disassembled rooms. Alternates Teams may reserve one room for every two registered alternates. Gender conflicts will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Alternates may not share a sleeping room with any student participating as a team member. Faculty Faculty room reservations are limited to current, registered faculty members of the school. |
7.0 | Team Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): |
All competing team members are required to read and sign the Team Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be eligible for participation. MOUs will be available after January 16, 2025. Teams must submit their signed MOU by February 3, 2025. Any discrepancies between the MOU and team member badges during check-in will result in the team being disqualified. No substitutions to the team member list may be made after February 3, 2025, unless a registered alternate replaces a team member. Teams must ensure the MOU Signature Page is accurate at the time of check-in. If there are discrepancies between the signed MOU and the team member badges provided at check-in, the team will not be allowed to compete. No substitutions to the team member list may be made after February 3, 2025, unless a listed alternate replaces a team member. |
8.0 | Registration and Time-line: <T.O.C.> |
Oct. 7, 2024 | Team Registration (Intent to Compete) Schools may begin registering their intention to compete. If a team decides not to participate after registering their "Intent to Compete", they must notify the competition manager and withdraw by December 13, 2024. Team roster (member names) must be posted on the asc67.org Web site on or before Dec. 13, 2024. |
Oct. 7, 2024 | Pre-Problem Statement Due Problem sponsors must submit their pre-problem statements by this date. Problem previews will be posted on the ASC67 website. |
Oct. 21, 2024 | Additional Team Registration Begins Schools may register additional teams in the same category on a space available basis. |
Nov. 4, 2024 | Registration of Team Member and Faculty Coach Names will begin November 4, 2024 and are Due December 13, 2024. If team names have not been registered by December 13, 2024 the team will be dropped from the competition. |
Dec. 1, 2024 | Hotel Room Reservation Complete rooming lists shall be submitted no later than December 1st or unfilled blocks will be released on that date. Name changes are allowed after submission. See section 6.0 |
Dec. 13, 2024 | Team Registration Ends No teams may register after this date. |
Dec. 13, 2024 | Deadline for Team Member’s Names The names of all team members, the team faculty coach, and any alternates must be registered by this date. |
Feb. 3, 2025 | Signed Team MOU Due Signed Team MOU must be submitted by 5:00 PM PT on this date. If not submitted on time team will be disqualified. |
Feb. 5, 2025 | Check-in Students, coaches, and competition attendees may begin checking in and picking up team packets at the registration area on the second floor of the Convention Center in the Grand Ballroom Foyer from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM. Team signed MOUs will be verified at this time, and badges provided at check-in must match the signed MOU exactly for the team to be officially registered. A special event name badge will be provided to all participants, which must be worn at all times. Badges will be required for entry to events such as the welcome dinner, job fair, awards ceremony, and other sponsored activities. The Nugget Casino and Resort requests that all student teams use the Freight Dock area for unloading and loading equipment. The dock is located on the west side of the Resort Tower, just south of Interstate 80. |
9.0 | Disqualification <T.O.C.> |
Any violations of any competition rules may result in the immediate disqualification of a team, as determined by the competition manager, Region 6 Director, and Region 7 Director. The Nugget Casino Resort is a gun- and weapon-free hotel. Any firearm or weapon, whether permitted, non-permitted, or concealed carry, must be declared at registration and stored in the Nugget’s secure storage area until checkout. Failure to declare any firearm or weapon may result in the disqualification of all teams associated with the violator’s school. |
10.0 | Problem Sponsor Feedback <T.O.C.> |
Problem sponsors will provide each team with feedback based on their performance. This feedback is designed to help teams understand both their strengths and areas for improvement. While problem sponsors are encouraged to provide feedback to teams based on their performance, they are not obligated to share final scores or detailed rankings beyond the top three teams. The goal of the competition is to foster student development, and the individualized feedback serves this educational purpose. |
Acknowledgments | |
The ASC Regions 6 & 7 Student Competition and Construction Management Conference would not be possible without the dedication and support of many individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to our problem sponsors for their continued commitment to fostering the development of future construction management professionals. Your invaluable contributions of time, expertise, and resources help make this event an unparalleled educational experience for students across the country. A special thanks to the faculty coaches and university staff for their dedication in preparing students to succeed, both in this competition and in their future careers. We would also like to recognize and thank the ASC Regions 6 & 7 Directors, the Competition Manager, and all staff and volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to organize and execute this event. Your hard work and commitment are essential to the success of this competition. Finally, we are grateful to the student participants for their enthusiasm, professionalism, and hard work. This competition exists to challenge and inspire you, and your continued involvement and dedication are what make this event thrive year after year. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making the 2025 ASC Regions 6 & 7 Student Competition a success! |
Web Site Questions - Contact Lori Brown, labrown2@csuchico.edu |